This Project was established in 2007, when Sofía Torallas Tovar (CCHS, CSIC,

Madrid) and François Gaudard (Oriental Institute, Chicago) decided to join efforts in the study of mummy labels, a source material that requires linguistic expertise in both Greek and Demotic. They were soon joined by Raquel Martín Hernández, and began to "feed" a first draft of the database.  The Project received added impetus when the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (now Economy and Competitivity) awarded Sofía Torallas a three-year grant (2012-2014), covering the expenses of computer programming and travel. The team grew, adding Klaas A. Worp (Leiden University), who has extensive experience in the edition of mummy labels, Alberto Nodar (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), with remarkable expertise in databases related to the discipline of papyrology, and Amalia Zomeño (CCHS, CSIC, Madrid), who specialises in the Arabic period, providing a comparative vision into a later period. Younger scholars have also joined us: the postdoctoral fellows María Jesús Albarrán (UAH, IRHT, CNRS, Paris) and Irene Pajón (CCHS, CSIC, Madrid), and the graduate students Alba de Frutos García (CCHS, CSIC, Madrid), and Marina Escolano Poveda (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, USA). And finally, Sergio Carro Martín (CCHS, CSIC, Madrid) is the team's research assistant since 2009.

The project is not solely devoted to the creation of the database of the mummy labels. More generally, its scope extends to the Funerary world in Graeco-Roman Egypt in its various aspects. For this reason, other scholars from the University of Chicago, at the Oriental Institute (Janet Johnson, Robert Ritner) and the Department of Classics (Christopher A. Faraone and David Martinez), form part of the team, providing their insights into this fascinating world of the dead.


Irene Pajón Leyra

Irene Pajón Leyra has a PhD in Classical Philology (2008) and an MA in Hebrew Philology (2006). In her thesis she studied the Greek paradoxographic literature, and moreover she has worked on geographic literature in Antiquity. Both fields of interest, geography and paradoxography, converge in her studies on the Artemidorus papyrus, on which she has published some articles in Spanish and international journals. She studied papyrology at seminars in Madrid and Oxford, where she was a postdoctoral fellow in 2010 and 2011. Since December 2011 she is a postdoctoral fellow at CCHS, CSIC in Madrid, where she is part of the DVCTVS team.


Alba de Frutos García

Alba de Frutos García has a MA Degree in Classics (UCM). She also obtained an MA in Ancient History (UAM-UCM) with an MA dissertation on the invitations on papyri. She is currently working on her PhD at the Center of Humanities and Social Sciences (CCHS) as a predoctoral fellow (2010-2014). She is being trained as a papyrologist in Spain (Madrid) and abroad (Lecce).



