Participation at Conferences

  • 2013. Castroviejo, E. "Felicity of Direct Denial by Meaning Type in English", Reviewed and selected. 2013 Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, Boston, January6. [with Smith, E.A., and  May l, L.]
  • 2013. Castroviejo, E. "Contrastive Topic and Conversational Implicature Cancellation", Reviewed and selected. Session "Semantics-pragmatics interfaces". 19 Congrès Internatinal des Linguistes. Geneva,  July  25. [and Maiol, L.]
  • 2013. Castroviejo, E. and Oltra-Massuet, I. "What we know about capacities", Reviewed and selected poster. 19 Congrès International des Linguistes. Geneva,  July  23.
  • 2013. Castroviejo, E. and Oltra-Massuet, I. "An emphatic abilitative modal: 'Ser capaç' vs. 'be able'", Reviewed and selected. Chicago Linguistic Society 49. University of Chicago,  April  20.
  • 2013. Castroviejo, E. and Oltra-Massuet, I. "On capacities and its epistemic extensions", Reviewed and selected43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. CUNY, NY;  April  17.
  • 2013. Demonte, V. “La gramática and la enseñanza del español. Competencia, interlenguas e interfaces en la adquisión ELE”,  Openning Conference. V Congreso sobre la enseñanaza del español en Portugal. UniversidadeAveiro. 27-28June 2013.
  • 2013. Demonte, V. and Fernández Soriano, O.  “Evidenciais em español. Gramaticalizaçao e parametrosCOMP”, Reviewed and selected. 62 Seminario GEL. UniversidadeSao Paulo. 10-12 July 2013.
  • 2013. Demonte, V. and Fernández Soriano, O.  "Root que in Spanish. Evidentiality vs. insubordination", Reviewed and selected. 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. CUNY, NY; 17 a 19 , April 2013.
  • 2013. Demonte, V. and Fernández Soriano, O. "Variación en los complementantes del español: el que evidencial", Reviewed and selected. XLII Simposio de la Sociedad española de Lingüística. Madrid-CSIC, 22-25 January.
  • 2013. Gallar, C. "Nombres y eventos: relación y clasificación a través de sus modificadores". Reviewed and selectedXLII Simposio de la Sociedad española de Lingüística. Madrid-CSIC, 22-25 January. Handout.
  • 2013. Gallar, C. "Towards a unified account of adjunct island extraction: the case of sluicing". Selected poster1st UCL Graduate Conference in linguistic, November, 7-8. Handout 
  • 2013. Masià, Melania S. "Real modification in Spanish", Reviewed and selected. 19eme Congrès International des Linguistes, UniversitéGenève, July 22-27.
  • 2013. Masià, Melania S.  "The 'true' story. Adjectives of veracity as slack regulators", Reviewed and selected. 10th Workshop on Syntax and Semantics, CCHS-CSIC, Madrid,  July  11-12.
  • 2013. Masià, Melania S. "Are nouns gradable? Evidence from intensifying adjectives", Reviewed and selected.Colloque international sur l'adjectif : approches semantico-pragmatiques et discursives, Universite Blaise Pascal Clermont-Ferrand II, May 31-June 1.
  • 2013. Masià, Melania S.  "What's in prenominal position? Non-intersective adjectives in Spanish", Reviewed and selectedWorkshop on the Syntax and Semantics of Adjectives at the 25th Scandinavian Conference of Linguistics, University of Iceland, May 13-15.
  • 2013. Masià, Melania S. "Sobre los tiposescala en la estructura internanombres and adjetivos", Reviewed and selected. Simposio Internacionalla Sociedad EspañolaLingüística, Madrid, January22-25.
  • 2013. Moreno-Quibén, N. and Pérez Jiménez, I. "On the aspectual properties of adjectives", 43rd Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages. CUNY, NY; April, 17-19. [and Gumiel, S.] Handout.
  • 2013. Oltra-Massuet, I. and Castroviejo, E. "Sobre 'ser capaz'", Reviewed and selectedXLII Simposiola Sociedad EspañolaLingüística. CCHS-CSIC, Madrid, January24.
  • 2013. Pérez Jiménez, I. "¿'Ser' o 'estar'? Esa es la cuestión", Invited conference. UniversidadZaragoza, SYLEX, Zaragoza. [and Gumiel, S.]
  • 2013. Romeu, J. Con . "Microvariation of dins in Catalan". Reviewed and selected. The syntactic variation of Catalan and Spanish dialects. Barcelona, UAB, 26-28 June . Handout. [and Bassa Vanrell, M.]
  • 2013. Romeu, J. "The meaning of DOM in Spanish". Reviewed and selected. CASTL Spring Conference on Differential Object Marking. Tromsø, UniversidadTromsø. 23-24 May .Handout. [and Bassa Vanrell, M.]
  • 2013. Romeu, J. "The nanosyntax of Path". Reviewed and selected. 23 ColoquioGramática Generativa. Madrid, UCM. 9-11 May . Handout
  • 2013. Romeu, J. "Bajo, debajo and abajo: ¿Distinta estructura para un mismo significado?" Reviewed and selected. XLII Simposiola Sociedad EspañolaLingüística. Madrid, CCHS-CSIC. 22-25 January . Handout

  • 2012. Castroviejo, E. “Gradation in Modified APs”, Reviewed and selected posterSemantics and Linguistic Theory 22, University of Chicago, Chicago, 18-20May2012.
  • 2012. Castroviejo, E., Oltra-Massuet, I. and Pérez Jiménez, I.“Gradable bare PPs and the syntax-semantics interface”, Reviewed and selected. 22nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Universitat .AutònomaBarcelona, Barcelona, 21-23 March 2012.
  • 2012. Castroviejo, E., Oltra-Massuet, I. and Pérez Jiménez, I.“Gradable bare PPs and the syntax-semantics interface”, Reviewed and selected. 42nd annual Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages (LSRL 42), Southern Utah University, Cedar City (UTAH, EE.UU), 20-22 , April 2012.
  • 2012. Castroviejo, E. “An experimentally-based theory of direct and indirect denial”, Reviewed and selected.Euro-Xprag Workshop, University of Oslo, Oslo, 8-9June 2012. [with  May l, L. and Smith, E. A. ].
  • 2012. Demonte, V. "Variación léxico-sintáctica. Parámetros and tiposlenguas.", Invited conferenceSeminario Proyecto I-link: Variación and diversidad lingüística: hacia un campo de estudio unificado. CCHS-CSIC, Madrid, 22-24 October 2012.
  • 2012. Demonte, V. "Variación sintáctica and léxico-semántico-sintáctica: análisis cartográfico, parámetros e interfaces", Invited conferenceSeminario conjunto Proyecto I-link: Variación and diversidad lingüística:hacia un campo de estudio unificado. El ColegioMéxico, México D.F. 16-18 , April 2012.
  • 2012. Demonte, V. and Fernández Soriano, O. “Evidentiality and illocutionary force. Spanish matrix ‘que’ at the syntax-pragmatics interface”, Reviewed and selectedIX Workshop on Formal Linguistics, Universidade Federal do RioJaneiro, RioJaneiro, 30-31 August 2012.
  • 2012. Demonte, V. and Fernández Soriano, O. "Spanish ‘que’ at the syntax-pragmatics interface. Root complementizers and reportative evidentials", Reviewed and selected posterGoing Romance. KU Leuven, (Bélgica). 6-7  December 2012.
  • 2012. Demonte, V. and Pérez Jiménez, I.“Concordancia and variación sintáctica”, Invited conference. Seminario Proyecto I-link: Variación and diversidad lingüística: hacia un campo de estudio unificado, El Colegio de México, México D.F, 16-18  April 2012.
  • 2012. Demonte, V. and Pérez Jiménez, I."Concordancia híbrida en construcciones partitivas and pseudopartitivas en español", Invited conference. Seminario Proyecto I-link: Variación and diversidad lingüística: hacia un campo de estudio unificado. CCHS-CSIC, Madrid, 22-24 October 2012.
  • 2012. Lim, D. “Another Type of Evidential? A Study on Korean Verbal Morpheme –te-”, Reviewed and selected. East Asian Linguistics Colloquium, Oriental Institute, University of Oxford, Reino Unido, 6March2012.
  • 2012. Lim, D. “Evidentials at Semantics-Pragmatics Interface: Perspective Shifts and Context-Overwriting Effects of Korean Evidentials”, Reviewed and selected. Monthly Meeting, Korean Society of Language and Information, Daewoo Foundation Building, Corea del Sur, 22septiembre2012.
  • 2012. Lim, D. “Two Types of Directed Motion Constructions and Two Types of Telos in Korean”, Reviewed and selected. Linguistics Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University, South Korea, 5 October 2012.
  • 2012. Lim, D. “The Perspective Shifts of Evidentials in Korean and the Effect of the Context”, Reviewed and selected. Semantics and Linguistic Theory 22, University of Chicago, Chicago, 18-20May2012.C [and Lee, C.]
  • 2012. Lim, D. “About Two Types of Psych-Predicates and So-Called Dative-Marked Subjects in Korean”, Reviewed and selected. Non-Canonically Case-Marked Subjects within and across Languages and Language Families, University of Iceland, Reykjavík, 4-8June 2012. [and Sun, J.]
  • 2012. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Morfología Distribuida and rivalidad: Un análisis sincrónico del pasado en catalán”, Invited conference. VIII Encuentro de Morfólogos - RETEM, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 10-12 May2012.
  • 2012. Pérez Jiménez, I. “La distinción ser/estar and la escalaridadlos adjetivos”, Reviewed and selected. XLI Simposio Internacionalla SEL, UniversidadValencia, 31January– 3 February 2012.[and Gumiel, S.]
  • 2012. Pérez Jiménez, I. “The scalar structure of adjectives and the ser/estar distinction”, Reviewed and selected. 30th Incontro di Grammatica Generativa, Università degli Studi di Verona, Verona (Italia), 23-25 February 2012.[and Gumiel, S.]
  • 2012. Pérez Jiménez, I. “Scalarity and stativity: the ser/estar alternation in Spanish”, Reviewed and selected. 22nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Universitat AutònomaBarcelona, Barcelona, 21-23 February 2012. [and Gumiel, S.]
  • 2012. Pérez Jiménez, I. “The scalar structure of adjectives and the distribution of copular verbs in Spanish”, Reviewed and selected. Workshop on argument structure and aspect of adjectives and participles, University of Greenwich, Londres, 22-23 June 2012. [and Gumiel, S.]
  • 2012. Pérez Jiménez, I. “Comparison between/within individuals: the case of ser/estar in Spanish”, Reviewed and selected. International Workshop ser & estar at the interfaces, Universidad de Alcalá, AlcaláHenares, 18-19 October 2012. [and Gumiel, S.]
  • 2012. Romeu, J. "A cartographic approach to spatial elements: The Lexicalization of Location in Spanish", Reviewed and selected. 22nd Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, 21-23 February 2012.
  • 2012. Romeu, J. "Verbal Prefixes are not Ps", Reviewed and selected. Prefix Verbs: The Impact of Preposition-like Elements on the Syntax and Semantics of Verbs. P-Workshop. University of Stuttgart, 13-14  July 2012.
  • 2012. Romeu, J. "Cartography and Polysemy of spatial Ps. The case of in in English", Reviewed and selected. The Meaning of P, University of Bochum, Bochum (Alemania), 22-25 November 2012.
  • 2012. Romeu, J. "Places and Displaces", Invited conference. Spatial prepositions: From language to cognition, UiL-OTS, Utrecht, 12, June 2012.

  • 2011. Castroviejo, E. ““So” as a weak degree modifier”, Reviewed and selected posterSALT XXI. Rutgers University, New Jersey, 19 May2011.
  • 2011. Demonte, V. "Descripción, teoría and datos en la GDLE and en las grandes gramáticas colectivas”, Invited conference. (Construçãogramática descritivas) del VII Congresso Internacionalla ABRALIN (Associação BrasileiraLinguística). Curitiba, 9-11 February 2011.
  • 2011. Demonte, V. and Pérez Jiménez, I. “Adjective agreement in conjoined structures. Linearization based agreement independent from prosodic domains”, Reviewed and selected. 21st Colloquium on Generative Grammar, U. Sevilla – U. PabloOlavide, 7-9 , April 2011.
  • 2011. Demonte, V. and Pérez Jiménez, I. “Linearization based agreement independent from prosodic domains: Adjective agreement in conjoined structures”, Reviewed and selected. Parallel Domains: A workshop in honor of Jean-Roger Vergnaud, University of Southern California, Los Ángeles (EEUU), 5-7May2011.
  • 2011. Demonte, V. and Pérez Jiménez, I. "Concordancia parcialadjetivos and determinantes en sintagmas nominales coordinados", Invited conference. Proyecto 12 'Gramática' – ALFAL XVI, U. Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, 6-9June 2011.
  • 2011. Lim, D. “Temporal and Inferential Interpretation of Korean Direct Evidential –te-”, Reviewed and selected posterThe 29th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics. University of Arizona, 22-24 , April 2011.
  • 2011. Lim, D. “On the Syntactic Composition of Resultatives”, Invited conferenceSyntax-Semantics Colloquium. Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 20-22 October 2011.
  • 2011. Lim, D. “Korean Derived Inchoatives with Verbal Roots as Directed Motion Construction”, Reviewed and selectedThe 21st Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference. Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, 20-22 October 2011. [and Zubizarreta, M. L.]
  • 2011. Lim, D. “On the Syntactic Composition of Resultatives”, Invited conference. Workshop on Verbal Elasticity. Universitat AutònomaBarcelona, 3-5 October 2011. [and Zubizarreta, M. L.]
  • 2011. Lim, D. “Korean Deadjectival/Deverbal Inchoatives as Directed Motion”, Invited conferenceSyntax + / Seminar in Syntax. University of Southern California, 19 , April 2011. [and Zubizarreta, M. L].
  • 2011.  May ral, R. “Analyzing weight effects on subject position in Spanish”, Reviewed and selectedLinguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 41. University of Ottawa, Canada, 5May2011. [and Alcázar, A.]
  • 2011.  May ral, R. “Analyzing weight effects on preverbal constituents: the case of Spanish subjects”, Reviewed and selected. 47th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society. University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, 9 , April 2011. [and Alcázar, A.]
  • 2011. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Cognate objects with unaccusative verbs in English and Spanish”, Reviewed and selected poster50 years of Linguistics at MIT – A scientific reunion, Cambridge, MA, 9-11 December 2011. 
  • 2011. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Degree Cognate Objects with Unaccusative Verbs in English and Spanish”, Reviewed and selected posterGLOW 34 (Generative Linguistics in the Old World). 27 , April - 1May2011.
  • 2011. Pérez Jiménez, I. and Oltra-Massuet, I. “La manifestación transcategorialla estructura escalar”, Reviewed and selected. SEL (XL Simposio Internacional and III Congresola Sociedad Española de Lingüística). Madrid, 7-10 February 2011.
  • 2011. Pérez Jiménez, I. and Oltra-Massuet, I. “La manifestación transcategorialla estructura escalar. Contabilidad and gradabilidad en SSPP escuetos introducidos por sin and con”, Reviewed and selected. Proyecto 12 'Gramática' – ALFAL XVI, U.Alcalá, Alcalá de Henares, 6-9 June 2011.
  • 2011. Pérez Jiménez, I. and Oltra-Massuet, I. “On Scalar Predicative PPs in Spanish”, Reviewed and selected poster. 20th ISTAL (International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics Tesalónica. 1-3 , April 2011.
  • 2011. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Cognate objects with unaccusative verbs in English and Spanish”, Póster invitado. 50 years of Linguistics at MIT – A scientific reunion. Boston, 9-11 December 2011.
  • 2011. Romeu, J. "Ps and Vs in the lexicalization of spatial features", Reviewed and selected. Workshop on Verbal Elasticity. Barcelona, UAB, 3-5 October 2011.
  • 2011. Romeu, J. "A vs. en in Spanish locatives", Reviewed and selected. 20th International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics (ISTAL 20). Tesalónica, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 1-3 , April 2011.
  • 2011. Romeu, J. "A fine-grained structure for spatial elements", Invited conference. Syntax Supper. Nueva York, CUNY, 15 November 2011.
  • 2011. Romeu, J. "A cartographic approach to spatial Ps in Spanish", Invited conference. Tromsø, University of Tromsø, 8 June 2011.

  • 2010. Demonte, V. e I. Pérez Jiménez. “Some notes on the meaning components of internally and externally caused change of state verbs. Comments on Rappaport Hovav’s “Lexical content and context””. Invited conference. Workshop on verb meaning, event semantic and argument structures. December 2010. Barcelona: UPF. Handout
  • 2010. Demonte, V. “Perspectivasla interfaz léxico-sintaxis-semántica. El caso de los verbos de movimiento”. Ponencia inaugural plenaria invitadaapertura en el XXVI Encontro Nacional da Associação PortuguesaLinguística. 21-23 October 2010, Universidade do Porto. Handout
  • 2010. Demonte, V e I. Pérez Jiménez. "Partial agreement inside DPs. Syntactic and post-syntactic operations on features". Póster invitado: SYLEX 2, SYLEX (Universidad de Zaragoza), 7-8 Ocotber, Universidad de Zaragoza. Póster
  • 2010. Demonte, V. “La investigación en ciencias sociales and humanidades: culturas, tradiciones and desafíos”. Ponencia inaugural invitada en la jornada sobre Sistemas de evaluación en ciencias sociales and humanidades: reflexiones and referencias. JAKIUNDE, Zienzia, Arte eta Leteren Akademia. Donostia-San Sebastián (Palacio de Miramar). 12 July 2010. Powerpoint
  • 2010. Demonte, V, I. Pérez Jiménez and J. Romeu. “Motion verbs in Spanish”. Invited conference en la Round Table “An introduction to novel ways of anlyzing verbs of motion applied to Spanish and Sign Language”. 2010 Interdisciplinary Conference of the AHLiST (Association of History, Literature, Science and technology). Madrid, UCM, 23-25 June 2010. Powerpoint
  • 2010. Demonte, V, H. Fernández Alcalde e I. Pérez Jiménez. "On the nature of nominal features: agreement mismatches and CCA in Spanish". Reviewed and selected. Linguistic Symposium on Romance Languages 40. University of Washington, Seattle. 26-28 March2010. Handout
  • 2010. Demonte, V, H. Fernández Alcalde e I. Pérez Jiménez. “Agreement mismatches in Spanish and the nature of nominal features”. Reviewed and selected poster. 20th Colloquium on generative grammar. Universidad Pompeu Fabra. 18-20March2010. Póster and Handout
  • 2010. Demonte, V. “El ‘que’ romance and la periferia oracional”. Invited conference. Encuentro Autour du que. Romanisches seminar, Albert Ludwigs Universität Freiburg. 18-19 February 2010. [with O. Fernández Soriano] Powerpoint
  • 2010. Castroviejo, E. “Evaluatives in questions. A comparison between Catalan and French”, Reviewed and selected: 46th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, 9  April . [with L.  May l]
  • 2010. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Bilingualism in Catalonia”. Reviewed and selected [sin asistencia]: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Lingüística Europaea, Workshop “Modelling language contact: Linguistic data and interdisciplinary models“, UniversidadVilnius, Lituania.
  • 2010. Oltra-Massuet, I. “On the syntax of -ble”. Reviewed and selected: IX Congreso InternacionalLingüística General, UniversidadValladolid, Valladolid.
  • 2010. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Deverbal Adjectives Derived from Nouns in English and Romance”. Reviewed and selected: 20th Colloquium on Generative Grammar, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona.
  • 2010. Lim. D. “Perspective shift of evidentials in interrogatives: a case study of Korean evidential markers”. Reviewed and selected: 41st North East Linguistics Society, 22-24  October , 2010, University of Pennsylvania.
  • 2010. Lim. D. “Inchoatives, Anticausatives, and Directed Motion Constructions in Korean: Focusing on –eci”, Invited conference: Advanced Semantics, 7  October , Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University.
  • 2010. Lim. D. “Evidentials, questions, and characters: a case study from Korean”. Reviewed and selected: 20th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, 1-3  October , 2010, Oxford University, UK.
  • 2010. Lim. D. “Questions, characters, and evidentiality: A case study from Korean”. Invited conference: Korean Society of Language and Information, 18 septiembre, 2010.
  • 2010. Lim. D. “Questions, characters, and evidentiality: A case study from Korean”. Invited conference: Linguistics Colloquium, Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University, 14 septiembre, 2010.
  • 2010. Lim. D. “Evidentials in interrogatives: a case study of Korean”. Reviewed and selected: Sinn und Bedeutung 15, 9-11 septiembre, 2010, Universität des Saarlandes, Germany.
  • 2010. Lim. D. “Become with comparatives: a case study from Korean deadjectival inchoatives”. Reviewed and selected: 12th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG 12). 17-20  August , 2010, Konkuk University, Seoul, South Korea.
  • 2010. Lim. D. “Measure phrases and semantics of deadjectival inchoative verbs in Korean”. Reviewed and selected: 84th Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 7-10  January , Baltimore.

  • 2009. Demonte, V, H. Fernández Alcalde e I. Pérez Jiménez. “Singular DP’s with plural denotation and the features of D”. Reviewed and selected en el International workshop on nominal and verbal plurality. CNRS-Pouchet; París 6-7  November 2009. Handout
  • 2009. Demonte, V. “La ‘construcción’los eventosmovimiento en español. La dirección and la manera del movimiento”. Ponencia plenaria invitada (ponenciaclausura) en el VII Congreso InternacionalLingüística Hispánica. Leipzig (Universität Leipzig), 4-7 October 2009. Handout
  • 2009. Demonte, V. “Syntax meets compositional semantics. Comments on Ramchand and Piñón’s papers”. International workshop Events across categories. Theoretical and experimental approaches to event structure. Madrid, CSIC, 27-28 May2009. [with O. Fernández-Soriano] Handout
  • 2009. Demonte, V. “Lenguaje, variación, contexto deenseñanza: qué español enseñar”. Instituto Cervantes, Madrid; X Encuentro práctico de profesoresELE. Participación en mesa redonda; 23May2009.
  • 2009. Demonte, V. Invited conference en el seminario “Mujer and Lenguaje en el periodismo español”. Fundéu / BBVA and Fundación San Millán de la Cogolla. San Millán de la Cogolla, 6-8May2009.
  • 2009. Castroviejo, E. “A question of misfortune”, Reviewed and selected: Going Romance, Radboud University Nijmegen and UniversitéNice, 3-5 December. [with L.  May l]
  • 2009. Castroviejo, E. “The dimensions of VERUM”, Reviewed and selected: ColloqueSyntaxe et Sémantique à Paris, École Normale SupérieureParis - Institut Jean Nicod, 23-25 septiembre. [with D. Gutzmann]
  • 2009. Castroviejo, E. “A multidimensional discourse semantics for verum focus”. Invited Conference: Universität Potsdam, 29  June . [with D. Gutzmann]
  • 2009. Castroviejo, E. “Exclamative force via unexpectedness intonations”. Invited Conference: Universität Potsdam, 29  June .
  • 2009. Castroviejo, E. “Extremely unfortunate. Two case studies on the interaction across levels of meaning”. Invited conference: Logisch-semantisches Kolloquium, Universität Frankfurt, 28  May . [with L.  May l]
  • 2009. Castroviejo, E. “Bundled Meanings: extremely in hw-clauses”. Reviewed and selected: JournéesSémantique et Modélisation, Université Paris 7 et LaboratoireLinguistique Formelle, 9-10  April . [with L.  May l]
  • 2009. Castroviejo, E. "Exclamative sentences: what's degree got to do with them?". Conferencia invitada: Faculty of Philosophy, University of Oxford, 26March.
  • 2009. Castroviejo, E. “A semantic analysis of Unexpectedness Intonation”. Reviewed and selected: Workshop on expressives and other kinds of non-truth-conditional meaning, 31.Jahrestagung der Deutsche Gesellschaft für Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Osnabrück, 5 March.
  • 2009. Pérez Jiménez, I. "The boundary between coordination and subordination. Free exceptives in Spanish". Reviewed and selected: Going Romance XXIII, UniversidadNiza/UniversidadUtrecht, Niza, 3-5 December . [with N. Moreno] Handout
  • 2009. Pérez Jiménez, I. "¿Son excepcionales las excepciones en la gramática?". Invited conference: Zaragoza Lingüística. Seminario permanente de investigaciones lingüísticas, organizado por el grupo SYLEX (Universidad de Zaragoza), 12 November, UniversidadZaragoza. [with N. Moreno]
  • 2009. Pérez Jiménez, I. "Free exceptives and gapping. In favour of structural approaches to ellipsis". Reviewed and selected: BCGL4. The Fourth Brussels Conference on Generative Linguistics. Ellipsis, HUBrussel, Bruselas, 9-10 NOvember. [with N. Moreno] Handout
  • 2009. Pérez Jiménez, I. "Construcciones exceptivas y la frontera entre coordinación and subordinación". Invited conference: Seminario del Centre de Lingüística Teòrica de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, 5 June , UAB Barcelona. [with N. Moreno]
  • 2009. Pérez Jiménez, I. "Algunas reflexiones sobre la categoría gramatical de excepto y salvo". Reviewed and selected: XXXVIII Simposio Internacional de la Sociedad Española de Lingüística, CCHS-CSIC, Madrid, 2-5 February. [with N. Moreno]
  • 2009. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Adverbial cognate objects with unaccusatives in English and Spanish”. Reviewed and selected: Aedean XXXIII, Universidad de Cádiz, Cádiz.
  • 2009. Oltra-Massuet, I. “On denominal -ble adjectives in English and Romance”. Reviewed and selected: 42nd Annual Meeting of the Societas Lingüística Europaea, UniversidadeLisboa, Portugal.
  • 2009. Lim. D. “Question as a set of characters: a case of Korean evidential”. Reviewed and selected: the 2nd California Universities Semantics and Pragmatics, 21  November , UCSC.
  • 2009. Lim. D. “Evidentiality and the problem of perspectives”. Invited conference: Syntax-Semantics Club, 7  July , Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University.
  • 2009. Lim. D. “The Syntax of Inchoatives: -eci, Event Structure, and Scalarity”. Invited conference: Syntax-Semantics Club, 23  June , 2009, Department of Linguistics, Seoul National University.
  • 2009. Lim. D. “Inchoatives as a Directed Motion along Degrees: the Case of Korean”. Reviewed and selected poster: 83rd Annual Meeting of the Linguistic Society of America, 8-11  January , San Francisco.
  • 2009. Fernández Alcalde, H. “La estructura predicativalos verbos parasintéticoscambioestado”. XXIV Encuentro Internacionalla AsociaciónJóvenes Lingüistas, Universitat AutònomaBarcelona, 7-9 May . Powerpoint.

  • 2008. Demonte, V. “Number agreement and conjoined nouns in Spanish DPs with and without adjectives”. Reviewed and selected, VII Workshop on Formal Linguistics. Universidade Federal do Paraná. Curitiba, Brasil, 28-29 August 2008.
  • 2008. Demonte, V. “Lingüística, humanidades y otras encrucijadas”. Opening Conference, XI Congreso de la Sociedad Argentina de Lingüística. Santa Fe, Argentina, 9-12, April 2008.
  • 2008. Castroviejo, E. “A non-exclamative account of Catalan Déu n'hi do!”. Reviewed and selected: Sinn und Bedeutung 13, Universität Stuttgart, 1  October . [with L.  May l]
  • 2008. Castroviejo, E. “An expressive answer. Some considerations on the semantics and pragmatics of matrix wh-exclamatives”. Reviewed and selected: 44th Annual Meeting of the Chicago Linguistic Society, University of Chicago, 24  April .
  • 2008. Castroviejo, E. “Amazing DPs”. Poster talk: Semantics and Linguistic Theory 18, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 21 March. [with M. Schwager]
  • 2008. Castroviejo, E. “What does it take to embed an exclamative?”. Invited conference: Linguistisches Kolloquium, Universität Konstanz, 14  February , and Seminarilingüística formal, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, 13 March.
  • 2008. Pérez Jiménez, I. “La concordancia adverbial”, Invited conference: Sylex 1. Entre el léxico y la sintaxis: cuestiones abiertas, Universidad de Zaragoza, 11-12 December . [with A. Fábregas]
  • 2008. Pérez Jiménez, I. “Gender copiyng and post-syntactic operations in morphology”. Reviewed and selected: 18th Colloquium on Generative Grammar, 17-19 , April , Lisboa. [with A. Fábregas]
  • 2008. Pérez Jiménez, I. “On the Nature of Gender and Post-syntactic Operations”. Reviewed and selected: Grammatik i Fokus, UniversidadLund, Lund, 7-8, February. [with A. Fábregas]
  • 2008. Oltra-Massuet, I. “The Morphology of Past Perfective in Catalan”. Invited conference: Veranstaltungen des FB Sprachwissenschaft, Universität Konstanz, Alemania.
  • 2008. Oltra-Massuet, I. “¿Si ocurrió todo lo ocurrible, por qué no hay *accidentes ocurribles?”. Reviewed and selected: 10º Encuentro Internacional de Lingüística en el Noroeste, Hermosillo, México.
  • 2008. Oltra-Massuet, I. “On the internal structure of -ble adjectives”. Reviewed and selected [sin asistencia]: Aedean XXXII, Universitatles de Illes Balears, Palma.
  • 2008. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Deriving -ble forms out of unergatives and unaccusatives”. Reviewed and selected: 39th Poznań Linguistic Meeting (PLM), Gniezno, Polonia.
  • 2008. Oltra-Massuet, I. “A Distributed Morphology analysis of modal passive adjectives”. Reviewed and selected: 10th Seoul International Conference on Generative Grammar (SICOGG), Seúl, Corea del Sur.
  • 2008. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Els adjectius deverbals en la Morfologia Distribuïda. El cas-ble”. Invited conference: Seminari del CentreLingüística Teòrica organizado por el GrupLingüística Teòricala Universitat AutònomaBarcelona, UAB, Bellaterra.
  • 2008. Oltra-Massuet, I. “Wer spricht wann was? Zweisprachigkeit in Katalonien”. Invited conference durante una estancia breve realizada en el marcoun programa Erasmus para la formación del personal docente, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Alemania.
  • 2008. Lim, D. “When declaratives become evidentials: the Korean non-final -ta- as an indirect evidential”. Reviewed and selected: 38th Western Conference on Linguistics, 21-23  November , University of California Davis.
  • 2008. Lim, D. “When declaratives become evidentials: the Korean non-final -ta- as an indirect evidential”. Reviewed and selected: 18th Japanese/Korean Linguistics Conference, 13-15  November , Graduate Center, City University in New York.
  • 2008. Lim, D. “The Syntax of Inchoatives: -eci, event structure, and scalarity”. Reviewed and selected: 2nd European Conference on Korean Linguistics (ECKL 2), School of Oriental and Asian Studies, London, UK. [with Maria-Luisa Zubizarreta]
  • 2008. Lim, D. “Korean Focus Particle -lato and Weak Additivity”. Reviewed and selected: 18th International Congress of Linguists (CIL 18), 21-26 July, Korea University, South Korea.
  • 2008. Fernández Alcalde, H. “La preposición locativa and el caso dativo. La construcción de Doble Objeto en castellano and en inglés”. XII Forum for Iberian Studies: Variation and Change in Iberoromance, UniversidadOxford (Reino Unido), 26-28, November. Powerpoint
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