Follow Up

JUNE 2016 

3. The Final Coordination Meeting of FLUχPEC was held in Madrid the 22nd June 2016. An update in the last activities was provided prior to discuss the conclussions and lessons learnt of the project.

2. The Tirteenth Sampling Field Campaign of  FLUχPEC project took place on the 14th and 15th June 2016. The campaing had to be split in two days due to cloudy conditions. Spectral measurements were acquired the second day when clouds dissapeared.

1. The 1st June 2016, a field campaign took place iin Majadas in collaboration with the Forschungszentrum Jülich. Radiometric Inter-calibration of different sensors and radiation sources as well as UAV-borne spectroradiometric measurements overvegetation canopy were achieved.

 MAY 2016 

 1. The 17th-18th May hyperspectral airborne campaign took place in colaboration with Quantalab, from the IAS-CSIC. Visible, SWIR and Thermal cameras were borne in a small plane, acquiring images with high spatial resolution.


1. The third of the hyperspectral airborne campaigns planned the EUFAR DEHESHyrE project was completed in Majadas on May 3rd and 4th making the most of a small window of sunny conditions in a quite cloudi spring. The National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) operated the cameras CASI and AHS whereas project personel acquired ground measurements and vegetations samples.


ARPIL 2016 

2. Maintenance activities were carried out on the 26th April prior to the hyperspectral airborne campaign and spring activities.  Also, all the sensors installed in the dehesa were geolocated. 

1. The Twelfth Sampling Field Campaign of the FLUχPEC project was accomplished on the 1st April 2016, taking advantage of a clear sky day in the middle of an unstable week. Vegetation samples and field spectral data were acquired following the usual scheme. 




1. On the 16th February 2016, we fullfilled the  Eleventh Sampling Field Campaing. A bit cold but sunny; samplings were carried out following the usual procedures. 




 2. The fifth FLUχPEC coordination meeting was held in Madrid (CCHS) on  December 16th.

1. The Project FLUχPEC has been extended up to June 2016!! 



1. The Tenth Sampling Field Campaing was carried out on the 10th November 2015. Vegetation samples and sectral measurements were acquired following the standarized protocols.



JULY 2015 

1. The second of the hyperspectral airborne campaigns planned in the frame of the EUFAR DEHESHyrE project took place in Majadas on July 2nd and 3rd. The campaign was organized by the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in cooperation with SpecLab-CSIC, CEAM, University of Plasencia, University of Milano-Bicocca and University of Zaragoza. The National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) operated the cameras CASI and AHS while personel from the different institutions acquired ground measurements. This time, Holm oak canopy hyperspectral measurements were acquired from cranes  during the campaign. 



MAY 2015 

2. Hemispherical pictures were acquired after sunset for Holm oak Leaf Area Index estiamtion in the Majadas del Tietar Site, on the 27th May 2015.

1. The Ninth Sampling Field Campaing took place on 21st May 2015. Regular vegetation spectral measurements and samples were acquired in the Majadas del Tiétar site.   


APRIL 2015 

1. The first of the hyperspectral airborne campaigns planned in the frame of the EUFAR DEHESHyrE project took place in Majadas on April 23rd. The campaign was organized by the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in cooperation with SpecLab-CSIC, CEAM, University of Plasencia, University of Milano-Bicocca and University of Zaragoza. The National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) operated the cameras CASI and AHS while personel from the different institutions acquired ground measurements.  


MARCH 2015 

5. The Second Working Group Workshop and MC Meeting were held in the CCHS-CSIC between the 30th March and the 1st April. During the workshop, the ABEL Training School students presented the results of their field activities and analyses. Moreover, different talks related with the topics covered by the COST Action ES1309 Innovative optical Tools for proximal sensing of ecophysiological processes (OPTIMISE) were given by OPTIMISE members. 

4. Between the 23rd and the 30th March the COST Action ES1309 Innovative optical Tools for proximal sensing of ecophysiological processes (OPTIMISE) and SpecLab (CSIC) was organized the ABEL Training School in the Majadas del Tietar study site. Students from different countries were trained in the use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) and hand held field spectroradiometers for different scientific applications, such as Structure-from-Motion modeling, vegetatio sun-induced fluorescence retrieval, bi-directional reflectance function modeling or field spectroscopy techniques and related uncertainties. 
3. The Majadas Training School for Trainers organized by the COST Action ES1309 Innovative optical Tools for proximal sensing of ecophysiological processes (OPTIMISE) and SpecLab (CSIC) was organized in the Majadas del Tietar study site. Between the 20th and the 22nd March OPTIMISE trainers tested the use of remote sensing from Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) in the site and planned the following course activities.
2. The Eigth Sampling Field Campaing was carried out on the 16th March 2015. Regular vegetation spectral measurements and samples were acquired in the Majadas del Tiétar site. 
 1. Maintenance activities were carried out in Majadas del Tiétar on the 4thMarch. Thermal sensors were resintalled by CEAM personel.



3. FLUχPEC International Collaborators Workshop was organized in Madrid between the  26-27th February. The current state of the project activities and future steps were presented and discussed with the invited collaborators.

2. Hyperspectral airborne campaign took place in Majadas on February 25th. National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) operated the cameras CASI and AHS while SpecLab-CSIC crew acquired ground measurements.

 1. The Seventh Sampling Field Campaing was carried out on the 19th February 2015.



2. On the 31st October 2014 was held the Sixth Sampling Field Campaing in Majadas del Tiétar; where the regular field spectroscopy and vegetation sampling schemes were followed. 

1. The Fourth FLUχPEC coordination meeting was held in Madrid (CCHS) the 1st and the 2nd of Octobre 2014.



1. On the 3rd of Septembre, took place the third Terrestrial Lidar Scanner (TLS) campaign, together with other sampling and maintenance activities.


JUNE 2014 

1. The Fifth Sampling Field Campaing was carried out on the 9th June. Spectral measurements were done as usually, and vegetation sample were acquired.  


MAY 2014 

2. Collaboration with Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC), University of Milano-Bicocca and University of Extremadura. Spectral and gas exchange measurements were simultaneously taken in the Majadas del Tiétar site, on May 27th in the context of the SMANIE experiment coordinated by MPI-BGC.

1. Fourth Sampling Field Campaing took place on May 8th. Vegetation samples were acquired following the regular scheme and field spectroscopy measurements were carried out.


APRIL 2014 

2. The second Terrestrial Lidar Scanner (TLS) campaign took place the days  29th and 30th of April.

1. Hyperspectral airborne imagery was acquired in Majadas on April 8th. The cameras CASI and AHS were operated by the crew of the National Institute for Aerospace Technology (INTA) while the FLUχPEC team and collaborators carried out vegetation samplings and field measurements.


MARCH 2014 

3. The Third Sampling Field Campaing took place on March 26th in Majadas del Tiétar. Vegetation samples were took and grass and oak leaves spectra were acquired.

2. Hemispherical Pictures acquisition campaign took place on the 21st March for the estimation of structural parameters of Holm oaks.

1. Second Sampling Field Campaing was carried out on March 6th. Soil and vegetation samples and field spectrosocopy data were acquired.



1.  The Third FLUχPEC coordination meeting was held in Madrid, between the 5th and the 6th of February, with the attendace of new collaborators from the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry.




1. First Sampling Field Campaing was carried out on October 30th 




 OCTOBER 2013 

1. The Second FLUχPEC coordination meeting was held in Madrid (CCHS) on  October 8th 


JULY 2013 

1. The re-installation of the AMSPEC system has been completed on July 18th in the Majadas del Tiétar site.


MAY 2013 

2. A field campaing to set up and test the new protocols took place on May 28th


1. Thermal sensors are calibrated and installed in the flux tower on May 13th



2. FLUχPEC Kickoff meeting was held in Madrid (CCHS) on  February 25th-26th

1. FLUχPEC officially started its activities on February 1st