An overview of the regional experiments for land-atmosphere exchanges 2012 (REFLEX 2012) campaign Acta Geophysica, 2014. pp. 1-20. Timmermans, Wim; Van der Tol, Christiaan; Timmermans, Joris; Ucer, Murat; Chen, Xuelong; Alonso, Luis; Moreno, Jose; Carrara, Arnaud; Lopez, Ramon; de la Cruz Tercero, Fernando; Corcoles, Horacio L.; de Miguel, Eduardo; Sánchez, José A. G.; Pérez, Irene; Franch, Belen; Muñoz, Juan-Carlos J.; Skokovic, Drazen; Sobrino, Jose; Soria, Guillem; MacArthur, Alasdair; Vescovo, Loris; Reusen, Ils; Andreu, Ana; Burkart, Andreas; Cilia, Chiara; Contreras, Sergio; Corbari, Chiara; Calleja, Javier F.; Guzinski, Radoslaw; Hellmann, Christine; Herrmann, Ittai; Kerr, Gregoire; Lazar, Adina-Laura; Leutner, Benjamin; Mendiguren, Gorka; Nasilowska, Sylwia; Nieto, Hector; Pacheco-Labrador, Javier; Pulanekar, Survana; Raj, Rahul; Schikling, Anke; Siegmann, Bastian; von Bueren, Stefanie and Su, Zhongbo. |
Análisis temporal de los stocks de carbono y contenido de humedad en un ecosistema de dehesa mediante imágenes Landsat, y su relación con factores climáticos. XIV Conferencia Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Información Geográfica, 1 - 2 July 2013, Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Presentation. Cáceres, J., Martín, M.P. and Salas, J. |
Applying TSEB-RTM on multiangular airborne hyperspectral imagery for evapotranspiration retrieval in a Mediterranean ecosystem at Las Majadas del Tietar Fluxnet site, Spain. International Symposium “Patterns in Soil-Vegetation-Atmosphere Systems: monitoring, modelling and data assimilation. 11 -14 March 2013. Bonn, Germany. Poster. Mendiguren, G., Nieto, H., Martín, M. P. and Riaño, D. |
Assessing the impact of non-linear responses of field spectroradiometers on the estimation of biophysical parameters and light use efficiency. Eurospec final conference. 6 - 9 November 2013. Trento, Italy. Poster. Pacheco-Labrador, J., Julitta, T., Rossini, M., Martín, M.P. and MacArthur, A. |
Assessment of Methods for Land Surface Temperature Retrieval from Landsat-5 TM Images Applicable to Multiscale Tree-Grass Ecosystem Modeling. Remote Sensing. 2014; 6(5):4345-4368; DOI:10.3390/rs6054345 Vlassova, L., Perez-Cabello, F., Nieto, N, Martín, P., Riaño D., and de la Riva, J. |
Characterization of a Field Spectroradiometer for Unattended Vegetation Monitoring. Key Sensor Models and Impacts on Reflectance. Sensors 2015, 15, 4154-4175. Pacheco-Labrador, J. and Martín M.P. |
Characterizing integration time and gray-level-related nonlinearities in a NMOS sensor Applied Optics. 2014; Vol. 53, Issue 32, pp. 7778-7786 Pacheco-Labrador, J. and Martín M.P. |
Comparación y validación local de los productos BioPar (Geoland 2) y MODIS en una dehesa de Extremadura. XV Congreso AET. 22 - 24 October 2013. Madrid, Spain. Poster. Durá, E., Mendiguren, G., Pacheco-Labrador, J., Riaño, D. and Martín, M.P. |
Nonlinear Response in a Field Portable Spectroradiometer: Characterization and Effects on Output Reflectance. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. In press. DOI: 10.1109/TGRS.2013.2245671. Pacheco-Labrador, J. and Martin, M.P. |
Spectroradiometer characterization for continuous operation in an Eddy Covariance flux tower. The 4th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing: RAQRS'IV, 22-26th September 2014, Torrent, Spain. Pacheco-Labrador, J. and Martín M.P. |
Temporal analysis of fresh leaf spectroscopy and chemical properties in Quercus ilex trees. Eurospec final conference. 6 - 9 November 2013. Trento, Italy. Poster. Cascón-González, R., Pacheco-Labrador, J., González-González, I. and Martín, M.P. |
Understanding the optical responses of leaf nitrogen in Mediterranean Holm oak (Quercus ilex) using field spectroscopy. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, Volume 26, February 2014, Pages 105-118, DOI: 10.1016/j.jag.2013.05.013. Pacheco-Labrador, J., González-Cascón, R., Martín, M.P., and Riaño, D. |
Up-scaling gross primary production in a Mediterranean savanna (dehesa) ecosystem using field spectroscopy and radiative transfer models ForestSat 2014, 4-7 November 2014. Riva del Garda, Italy Pacheco-Labrador, J., Martín M.P. Carrara, A., Gimeno, C., Vlasova, L. and Pérez, F. |
Validación de productos MODIS relacionados con la estimación de flujos de carbono en un ecosistema de dehesa. Geofocus 01/2013; 13-1:291-310. ISSN: 1578-5157. Durá Candela, E., Mendiguren González, G., Pacheco Labrador, J., Martín Isabel, M. P., Riaño, D., Iturrate García, M., Gimeno Cólera, C., Carrara, A. |